Monday, 17 August 2015

The beam of Focus

In two parts Today, I'll discuss the power of focus, like the effect of a magnifying glass to enlarge our smallest or intangible abilities to giant ones. And as well, like the magnifier when faced directly from the rays of the sun and beamed on a piece of paper can ignite and burn out any unwanted traits or situations in our life.

I will address the issue from both perspectives Corporate/individual. And in my quest to unearth the relevance of this topic, i will analyze in the first part how focus affects your imagination and creativity, the entrepreneurial mindset and the corporate world.
Then in the later part i will discuss how focus affects your view of life, your state, your priority, your ability to distort time, and equally your ability to break free of undesirable traits.

In the world today, 5 categories of people are greatly respected and crowned as the pillars of modern civilization, they are: the poets/writers, the artists, the scientists, the architects, and most importantly the entrepreneurs(the capitalists) who generate ideas and economic opportunities as well as turn those of the others into quantifiable value for economic gain. Why are they so respected? Because through focus they generate/innovate ideas, as a result of their greatly developed faculty of creative imagination.
My point is: With focus we can induce the development and use of our imagination.

Over the past 50years through the use of imagination man has discovered and harnessed more of natures forces than during the entire history of mankind.
Through focus we have been able to tap into synthetic and creative imagination, which is the faculties through which concepts, ideas, and plans are generated into new combination(synthetic). And inspirations are received from which new ideas are developed(creative imaginations). With focus our creative and synthetic faculties of imagination becomes more alert through use.

In the world of business as an entrepreneur, an idea is conceived to be innovated and acted upon but doesn't grow to the point of fruition, largely because it hasn't been born, it hasn't been brought to life away from the mind of the entrepreneur, not to be an idea anymore but a living entity that can be molded developed and made grow naturally. But the process isn't as simple as it sounds, because just like an artist, the idea has been conceived in his head and has to be brought to life, in this regards the artist is a professional, he conveys his idea skillfully with his pencil and brushes on a piece of paper. For which, the same pencil and brushes in the hands of just any other person with the same idea that was conceived will be conveyed in a nearly meaningless form of art, as the person is not skilled enough to be able to sketch a master piece of art. So too it is with an entrepreneur or a business with the mission to be fully profitable.

From the moment the art is sketched and brought to life away from the conception stage, the artist can then begin his process of beautifying with paints, colors and more shades to eventually put together a wonderful piece of art and then a little more adjustments before it is finally framed and hanged as a wonderful piece. So also does it apply in the business world, many entrepreneurs conceive their business ideas but are not skilled enough to properly convey or bring it to life for proper beautification and shadings in order to produce a masterpiece that would deliver excellently. That's why we at Nathany Business Consult have come to the aid of such ones, with our skillful and strategic planning as well as management/IT innovation to lift the organization from the stage of post-conception to its fruition as a masterpiece that would deliver. great results.

Many people believe that hard-work and honesty alone will bring wealth, the truth is they will get you financial security and survival. Whereas what you really need is financial freedom. Please don't get me wrong honesty is very vital so also is hard-work. But when wealth comes in quantities they are never as a result to the hardest workers. When they do they come as a result of focus in response to definite demands and on application of definite principles plus definite plans, not usually by the rules of chance or luck. But when the later comes(luck) in its rear occasions, it is usually squandered in the long run or lost in its entirety.

Space and time will fail me if am to start citing the numerous examples of people who created great fortunes from just ideas. And many who knew very little about implementing such ideas but yet make great fortunes by surrounding themselves with experts who could do all that they could not do, men who put ideas Into operations and made themselves and others fabulously rich. Some of such is Asa Candler of Coca-Cola, Andrew Carnegie the steal magnate giant, Ray krox of McDonald's, and the list goes on and on.

"By unrelenting focus ideas can be transmuted into cash through the power of definate purpose, plus definite plans."

The general fact is that ideas are priceless the creators of this ideas make their own price tags and if they are smart they'll tag it quite a lot and go all out to get it. Nature itself has advertised the secret of building a fortune through the aid of immutable laws, in the conversion of a tiny sperm cell so small that it may be lost on the point of a pin into the you that is reading this right now. It is actually no more miraculous than the fact that tiny intangible ideas can make a giant physical equivalent. Truely thoughts and ideas are things, and their scope of operation is the world itself.
So put your self to a focus for the rest of this year and start today.
Watch out for the second part in a bit. The more personal and intruiging aspect of FOCUS forr an individual as i will explain in-to-to FOCUS as the power to shape your life, your state, your feelings and your time with.

My name is Uche Okoroji, am the Director at nathany Business Consult, And we are here to suit evert of your business needs with out various products please do check our products page and avail us to any opportunities that we could to help your Bisiness, we will be readily available at your service.


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